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Towards Value-Based Healthcare in Singapore - Perspectives on Past, Present, and Future

Johnson & Johnson Singapore (Client), Johnson & Johnson Singapore (Partner)

This research project sought to provide a current landscape review of Value-based Healthcare (VBHC) in Singapore, so as to better understand how specific aspects of the Singapore healthcare system have shaped perceptions and implementation of the elements of VBHC.

This project sought to explore areas concerning stakeholders' knowledge and perceptions of VBHC, potential enablers, and challenges to VBHC imnplementation. Of particular interest were insights on the sustainable introduction and financing of VBHC innovations in the context of Singapore.

A literature scan of peer-reviewed and grey literature on VBHC in the Asia Pacific region was conducted alongside semi-structured in-depth interviews with 24 key stakeholders.

A public webinar - featuring panel discussions with senior stakeholders from across the Singapore healthcare, health policymaking, and academic sectors - was also hosted to further explore the abovementioned topics.

This study found that VBHC in Singapore is largely seen to be a person-centric healthcare management approach that aims to maximise individual well-being and quality of life, given resources at the patient- and whole system- level. Four specific considerations when defining VBHC were outcomes, service delivery, care intervention, and resources.

This study also identified five key components of VBHC implmentation, namely (i) new models of financing and reimbursement; (ii) the use of health technologies; (iii) measurement and evaluatin; (iv) methods to evaluate value and to generate evidence necessary to do so; and (v) organisation of care delivery and care integration. The diversity of interventions used suggests how interpretations of VBHC and their cncomitant practices can take many forms.

Other key factors influening future progress in Singapore's VBHC landscape include governance and leadership, service delivery, financing, data and information technology, health workforce, and people.

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